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What is Reiki?

Reiki is a gentle form of energy healing that promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch. Reiki is known for its healing abilities and has many different benefits, whether that be physical, emotional or spiritual. Reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy to your body, improving the flow and balance of your energy to support healing. But this is not the only way that you can receive your dose of source energy. My favourite way to do a session is by sending Reiki through space and time to reach you wherever you are in the world. Allowing you to find a safe, comfortable space in your own home without the pressure of being in an unfamiliar environment and feeling vulnerable or judged.

What to expect during a Distance Reiki Session.

Distance Reiki is basically what it says on the tin. A way in which a practitioner can connect with you and ask for Reiki Energy to reach you. When opening myself up to the healing energy I do the same as though it was an in-person session. I allow the white healing light to enter me and use my Reiki board as a stand in for you. I place my hands directly on the areas of the image on the board as though I would do in person and allow the energy to flow through me and into your being to make its way to the places that it is needed most. I also use my pendulum crystal to check that each charka is re-balanced before I close the session.

How will I feel during and after the session?

During the session all you need to do is relax. Be in a comfortable position where you will not be disturbed and imagine your heart space opening and receiving the Reiki energy. Some people like to imagine their heart space as a beautiful flower blooming or a bright white light that opens out from the heart. You may feel different sensations from tingling of your limbs, feelings as though your energy is being drawn out of your body, total relaxation or you may feel nothing at all. Everyone is different and each experience is unique when it comes to the sensations you feel and the healing that takes place. Sometimes after a session you may feel tired or completely the opposite, you may feel energised and ready to take on the world. However you feel, it is important to give yourself the time and space to integrate the new healing into your life. Be kind to yourself. Have a glass of water to help flush out the old energy.

For me personally I feel all kinds of energy shifts. I feel as though my energy is being drawn up from my body and cleansed before it is dropped back in. Although, this doesn't happen every time. I often feel tired after for a day or so and sometimes find that I am super emotional. If I feel more emotional than normal, I find that I have the biggest shifts in my life and often come back down to earth with a bang and everything makes sense again. Healing is a journey that we will be on the whole of our lives. Peeling back the layers of the onion to reveal a clearer path to follow. It is not linear as they say and the greatest gift you can give yourself is the time and space to shed the old and step into the new.

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